Meet Riley

Hello and welcome to my site. My name is Riley and I’m a 7-year-old Airedale Terrier. I was born in South Carolina and moved with my dad from there to Kansas and eventually California.

We have lived in areas that experience hurricanes, tornados, and earthquakes. Some of my adventures have led straight to the Emergency Room, which has always been a learning experience in and of itself. Life and nature teach you to expect the unexpected and my dad thought it would be a good idea to put together an emergency kit for both of us. In my kit he included some of my toys, food, an extra leash, my medical history, and a few other items particular to my needs. 

Natural disasters and other emergencies have a way of catching us unprepared, as illustrated by events such as the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina. I have spent a lot of time talking to other dogs at the dog park and through my conversations I was disturbed to discover that many of my friends’ parents have not thought about what to do with their pet in the case of a disaster or other emergency. It’s important to have a plan outlining what to do with your pet in any crisis. It is also important to ensure that you have the proper tools and knowledge to deal with situations before they arise. I take great joy and pride in being able to help you and your pet prepare for the unforeseeable.

I’ve also found that many pet parents lack information regarding other health and wellness issues facing the modern dog. There are many things that impact a dog’s day-to-day life from chemicals in garden products to environmental factors such as noise or new routines. I have dedicated myself to supplying useful and necessary information as well as practical tools for pets and their parents. The more you know about your pet and their safety, the better you will be able to provide for their ever-changing needs!

Thanks for visiting me at Riley Care! I am constantly updating this site with new and exciting information so be sure to come visit me often. I have a newsletter with great tips. Please feel free to explore my site to find useful information and products that will help you and your pet lead happier and healthier lives together. Check it out and remember to ‘Be Kind To Pets!’